Drama Comedy Romance
Linda, the wife of a publishing executive, suspects that her husband Van’s relationship with his attractive secretary Whitey is more than professional.
Directed by
Clarence Brown
James Stewart
Myrna Loy
Linda Stanhope
Jack Mulhall
Howard - Party Guest (uncredited)
Jean Harlow
Helen 'Whitey' Wilson
Clark Gable
Van 'V.S.' Stanhope
Nina Quartero
Cuban Telephone Operator (uncredited)
Bess Flowers
Party Guest (uncredited)
John Qualen
Mr. Jenkins (uncredited)
Frank Puglia
Havana Hotel Clerk (uncredited)
Tom Dugan
Gloria Holden
Joan Carstairs
Hobart Cavanaugh
Joe Farnsworth
Gilbert Emery
May Robson
Mimi Stanhope
George Barbier
J.D. Underwood
Holmes Herbert
Frawley (uncredited)
Margaret Irving
Edna Wilson (uncredited)
Aileen Pringle
Mrs. Anne Barker (uncredited)
Larry Steers
Poker Player with Pair of Jacks (uncredited)
Marjorie Gateson
Eve Merritt
Hooper Atchley
Postal Clerk (uncredited)
Beatrice Roberts
Party Guest (uncredited)
Leonard Carey
Taggart (uncredited)

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