Drama Comedy
Mr. Freedom, a bellowing good-ol'-boy superhero decked out in copious football padding, jets to France to cut off a Commie invasion from Switzerland. A destructive, arrogant patriot in tight pants, Freedom joins forces with Marie Madeleine to combat lefty freethinkers, as well as the insidious evildoers Moujik Man and inflatable Red China Man, culminating in a star-spangled showdown.
Directed by
William Klein
Written by
William Klein
Donald Pleasence
Dr. Freedom
Delphine Seyrig
Philippe Noiret
Moujik Man
Freddie Fric
Sami Frey
Yves Montand
Capt. Formidable
Catherine Rouvel
Jean-Luc Bideau
Un combattant
Serge Gainsbourg
M. Drugstore
Sabine Sun
Betty Bopper
Monique Chaumette
Raoul Billerey
Johnny Cadillac
Albert Augier
Colin Drake
Albert Dray
Jean-Claude Drouot
Dick Sensass
Pierre Baillot
Yves Lefebvre
Jacques Occident
Marcel Gassouk
Rita Maiden
John Abbey
Mr. Freedom
Roberto Gallozzi
Jean-Claude Bouillon
Guy d'Avout
Odile Astié
Antoine Baud
Michel Beaujard
Pascal Fardoulis
Marie Marc
Eric Vasberg
Alain Franchet
Reni Goliard
Janine Klein

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