Comedy Fantasy
Women are practically throwing themselves at Rich and he can’t seem to control himself. But he continually blames his penis, which seems to have a mind of its own. After ruining yet another promising relationship with Jamie, Rich has finally had enough and wishes his penis would just leave him alone. The next morning, Rich wakes up to find his wish has come true and his johnson is no longer on his body. Even worse, Rich is shocked to discover that his penis has taken human form...
Directed by
Huck Botko
Written by
Jeff Tetreault
Jamie Chung
Cam Gigandet
Rich Johnson
Katie Rich
Meg Thalken
Katherine Cunningham
Lindsay Young
Nick Thune
Rich's Penis
Holly Houk
Rammel Chan
Chinese Delivery Guy
George Lako
Strip Club Patron
Jessica Joy
Casey Tutton
Teenage Girl
Kevin Miller
Josh Nelson
Danny Rhodes
Karen Woditsch
James R. Doherty
Blond Guy
Bradley Grant Smith
Former Best Friend
James E. Foley
Bob (voice)
Megan Kohl
Mature Woman
Emily Tumen
Catholic Teen Girl
Justin Kline
Pharmacy Tech
Al Marchesi
Strip Club Patron
Gena Ellis
Aunt Judy
Christin Marie Nichols
Yoga Girl
Catherine Perzee
Lindsay's Sister
J. Anthony Kopec
Businessman Club Patron
Vince Tolentino
The Video Game Nerd
Ben Kirberger
Offensive Gay Stereotype Waiter
Cory Kahane
Teenage Boy
Jodie Glass
Katie Hamilton
Catholic Teen Girl
Laura Kallmeyer
Club Girl
Monte LaMonte
Rita Younan
Club Girl
Brooke Berg
Chicago Police Officer

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