Drama Romance Comedy
A budding young writer thinks it's her lucky day when she is chosen to be the new secretary for Owen Waterbury, famous novelist. She is soon disppointed, however, when he turns out to be an erratic, immature playboy. Opposites attract, of course, but not without sub-plots that touch on competitiveness within marriage and responsibility.
Directed by
Charles Martin
Written by
Charles Martin
Kirk Douglas
Owen Waterbury
Keenan Wynn
Ronnie Hastings
Cosmo Sardo
Nightclub Waiter (uncredited)
Bess Flowers
Nightclub Patron (uncredited)
Laraine Day
Stephanie 'Steve' Gaylord
Irene Ryan
Eddie Kane
Francois, Headwaiter (uncredited)
Stanley Andrews
Mr. McNally - Publisher (uncredited)
Jeffrey Sayre
Dance Floor Extra (uncredited)
Florence Bates
Horrible Hannah Reeve (the landlady)
Charles Halton
Mr. Kilbride (uncredited)
Franklyn Farnum
Nightclub Extra (uncredited)
Gertrude Astor
Miss Gee (uncredited)
Larry Steers
Las Vegas Casino Extra (uncredited)
Helen Walker
Alan Mowbray
Deveny (Bryant Detective Agency)
John Holland
Mr. Hudson (uncredited)
Gale Robbins
Dawn O'Malley
Rudy Vallee
Charles Harris
Joe Kirk
Process Server with Divorce Papers (uncredited)
Helene Stanley
Miss 'Clay' Pigeon
Grady Sutton
Sylvan Scott
Russell Hicks
Dick Fulton - Publisher (uncredited)
Dewey Robinson
Crap Table Croupier (uncredited)
Marten Lamont
Simpson, Steve's Secretary (uncredited)
Ben Welden
Bookie (uncredited)
Virginia Hewitt
Felicia Adams (uncredited)
Jody Gilbert
Hilda Sneebacher (uncredited)
Ralph Montgomery
Man at Writing Seminar (uncredited)
Abe Reynolds
Bill, Elsie's Taxi Driver (uncredited)
Max Linder
Nightclub Patron (uncredited)

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