Action Comedy
The Bowery Boys are enrolled in a fancy college by a pair of rich snobs who think they can turn the Boys into classy guys. Sach becomes a football star, and is kidnapped by gangsters to keep him out of the big game.
Directed by
William Beaudine
Huntz Hall
Horace Debussy 'Sach' Jones, a.k.a. Hurricane Jones
Paul Bryar
Coach Rowland
Cosmo Sardo
Football Fan Spectator (uncredited)
Byron Foulger
Mathematics Professor Grog (uncredited)
George J. Lewis
Mike Donelli
Veda Ann Borg
Candy Calin
Benny Bartlett
Leo Gorcey
Terence Aloysius 'Slip' Mahoney
Francis Pierlot
A.J. Billingsley
Pierre Watkin
Morgan T. Stanhope
Bernard Gorcey
Louie Dumbrowsky / Morris Dumbrowsky
Taylor Holmes
Dean Forrester
Gloria Winters
Penny Wells
Gil Stratton
Tim Ryan
Robert Nichols
Harold Lane
John Bromfield
Biff Wallace
David Gorcey
Mona Knox
Katie Wayne
Bob Peoples
Bob, Assistant Coach
Al Eben
Big Dave
Tom Hanlon
Tom Hanlon - Radio Announcer
George Sanders
Player (uncredited)

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