Sci-Fi Adventure Animation
In the year 6470, a husband and wife team of explorers receive a mysterious distress signal from an astronaut who disappeared decades earlier. They leave their son on board their ship while they go searching for the missing astronaut — but fate intervenes, crash-landing the ship on a jungle-like planet populated by bulbous, telekinetic aliens and eerie stone gardens of frozen space creatures.
Directed by
Călin Cazan, Mircea Toia
Written by
Mircea Toia
Marcel Iureș
Mircea Albulescu
Constantin Diplan
Ovidiu Schumacher
Alexandrina Halic
Ștefan Sileanu
Virgil Ogășanu
Mihai Cafrița
Ion Carmamitru
Mirela Gorea
Valeria Ogasanu
Mihai Niculescu

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