History Drama War
This film retraces the combat journey of Krim Belkacem, one of the leading figures of the Algerian War. When he left the Dellys barracks in October 1945, the day after the Second World War, Krim Belkacem was 23 years old. He is a man revolted by the May massacres in Sétif, Guelma, Kherrata and several other localities in the ravaged country. But it is also and above all a young Algerian who questions the future of Algeria. On March 21, 1947, Krim at the age of 25, he dug up his "Sten" submachine gun, he took action against the boss of his douar who was none other than his cousin. He goes into hiding with six companions. He meshes this entire part of Algeria with a dense and dense network with the sole objective of taking action which will lead to the outbreak of the armed struggle on November 1, 1954.
Directed by
Ahmed Rachedi
Written by
Ahmed Rachedi, Amazit Boukhalfa
Ahmed Benaissa
Bahia Rachedi
Krim Belkacem's Mother
Salem Ait Ali Belkacem
Sami Allem
Krim Belkacem
Ahmed Rezzak
Amar Ouamrane
Dahmane Aidrous
Kamel Rouini
Mustafa Laribi
Abane Ramdane
Imen Nouel
Razika Farhan
Hamza Iguer
Hamid Amirouche
Hakim Aoudjit
Chawki Bouzid
Menad Embarek
Ali Djebara
Slimane Ben Ouari
Mabrouk Farroudji
Hamid Mesbah
Ahmed Zerari

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