Comedy Romance
It’s the battle of wills, as Andie needs to prove she can dump a guy in 10 days, whereas Ben needs to prove he can win a girl in 10 days. Now, the clock is ticking - and the wildly entertaining comedy smash is off and running in this irresistible tale of sex, lies and outrageous romantic fireworks!
Directed by
Donald Petrie
Kathryn Hahn
Michelle Rubin
Kate Hudson
Andie Anderson
Matthew McConaughey
Benjamin Barry
Annie Parisse
Jeannie Ashcroft
Michael Michele
Judy Spears
Shalom Harlow
Judy Green
Adam Goldberg
Thomas Lennon
Natalie Brown
Mrs. Sawyer
Celia Weston
Robert Klein
Phillip Warren
Tony Longo
Sensitive Moviegoer
Ross Gallo
Young Concession Worker
Bebe Neuwirth
Lana Jong
Ingrid Hart
Mullen's Hostess
Rebecca Harris
Doug Murray
Mark Sawyer
Samantha Quan
Georgia Craig
Receptionist Candi
William Hill
DeLauer Security
Andrew Moodie
Poker Pal Ronald
James Murtaugh
Archie MacGregor
Uncle Arnold
James Mainprize
Mr. DeLauer
Liliane Montevecchi
Mrs. DeLauer
John DiResta
Joey Sr.
Gina Sorell
Vegetarian Waitress
Scott Benes
Joey Jr.
Warner Wolf
Warner Wolf
Zachary Benes
Joey Jr.
Justin Peroff
David Macniven
Poker Pal Francis
Stuart Feldman
Kevin Janicelli

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