Comedy Horror
While serving time in county prison, Wallingford sees a story in the newspaper that his cellmate, Schenectady, has inherited a mansion from his recently deceased uncle. Hearing this, Schenectady dreams of luxury.
Directed by
Jed Buell, William Beaudine
Mantan Moreland
Schenectady Jones
Nathan Curry
DeForest Covan
Short Man
F.E. Miller
Florence O'Brien
Maceo Bruce Sheffield
Brutus Blake
Marguerite Whitten
Lady Queenie
Zerita Steptean
Mrs. Brutus
Cleo Desmond
Old Maid
Henry Hastings
Uncle Utica
Charles Hawkins
Monte Hawley
John Lester Johnson
Tall Man
Walter Knox
Man on Crutches
Vernon McCalla
Invisible Man

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