Animation Family Comedy Mystery
After being put on indefinite leave by his chief of police uncle, the highly intelligent and arrogant huntsman spider Inspector Sun boards a San Francisco bound seaplane. Joined by an intrepid young fan, Sun is pulled into a murder case where the turnout could affect both the insect and human worlds.
Directed by
Julio Soto Gurpide
Fernando Cabrera
Inspector Sun (voz)
Juan Rueda
Gill Tea (voz)
Vicente Gil
Bugsy Spindelthorp (voz)
Ana Jiménez
Hormiga Reina (voz)
Catherina Martínez
Isabella (voz)
Isabel Donate
Vatchú (voz)
Jesús Barreda
Comandante Skelt (voz)
María Luisa Marciel
Carol (voz)
Pedro Tena Ramos
Langosta Roja (voz)
Txema Moscoso
Escarabeo (voz)
Rocco Pucillo

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