Adventure Action Comedy
A scientist who has invented a weapon capable of disintegrating solid matter is kidnapped by a criminal gang, which intends to sell the scientist and his weapon to the highest bidder. A secret agent and the scientist's daughter set out to track down the kidnappers and rescue the scientist.
Directed by
Sergio Grieco
Fernando Sancho
Loud patron in Paris restaurant
Margaret Lee
Evelyn Stone
Ennio Balbo
Professor Franz Kurtz
Lorenzo Robledo
Pasquale Basile
Goldwyn's Henchman
Luciano Pigozzi
Henchman with eye patch
Ken Clark
Dick Malloy / Agent 077
Thea Fleming
Dick's Girl in France
Philippe Hersent
Calisto Calisti
Mikaela Wood
Dolores Lopez
Franco Ressel
Nino Persello
Goldwyn's Henchman
Tomás Blanco
Vittorio Sanipoli
Renzo Pevarello
Goldwyn's Henchman
Loris Bazzocchi
Claudio Ruffini
Evi Marandi
Romy Kurtz
Fabienne Dali
Simone Degas
Giuseppe Fortis
Faux carpet salesman
Gianni Medici
Captain Ali Ben Lokum
Jean Lyonel
Mark Selmon
Dario De Grassi
Boris Molotov

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