Drama Thriller
After her widowed father dies, deaf teenager Dot moves in with her godparents, Olivia and Paul Deer. The Deers' daughter, Nina, is openly hostile to Dot, but that does not prevent her from telling her secrets to her silent stepsister, including the fact that she wants to kill her lecherous father.
Directed by
Jamie Babbit
Written by
Abdi Nazemian, Micah Schraft
Elisha Cuthbert
Nina Deer
Shawn Ashmore
Camilla Belle
Edie Falco
Olivia Deer
David Gallagher
Katy Mixon
Michelle Fell
Martin Donovan
Paul Deer
Joel Michaely
Shannon Woodward
Ken Thomas
Officer Jim
Myrna Cabello
Maria Cash
Mrs. Feltswatter
Jo Baker
Steve Uzzell
Mr. Piln
Rudy Costa
Police Officer
Diane Quest
Newscaster #1
Quita Culpepper
Newscaster #2
Sharon Ploeger
Sign Language Interpreter
Jamie Levels
Laura E. Johnston
Regina McQueen
Mj Vandivier
Mrs. Feltswatter
James Fowler

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