Action Thriller
The evil crime syndicate Thanatos is bent on taking over the world, using a magnetic wave generator that will cause all metal-based machinery to grind to a halt. However, the well-known British secret agent normally assigned to such tasks isn't available, so they engage his civilian brother, Neil, to help. Neil, played by Neil Connery, is a world-class plastic surgeon, hypnotist, and lip-reader, which turn out to be precisely the skills required for thwarting Thanatos.
Directed by
Alberto De Martino
Daniela Bianchi
Maya Rafis
Lois Maxwell
Miss Maxwell
Adolfo Celi
Mr. Thai - 'Beta'
Mirella Pamphili
(as Mirella Pompili)
Anthony Dawson
Kitty Swan
Co-agent on ship (uncredited)
Bernard Lee
Commander Cunningham
Franco Giacobini
Aldo Cecconi
Neil Connery
Dr. Neil Connery
Leonardo Scavino
Ben AHmed (as Leo Scavino)
Antonio Gradoli
Monte Carlo inspector
Enzo Consoli
Sitting Man at Lecture (as Vincenzo Consoli)
Caterina Trentini
(as Kathleen Trentini)
Agata Flori
Margherita Horowitz
Guido Lollobrigida
Yee-Wah Yang
Yachuko (as Yachuco Yama)
Ana María Noé
Lotte Krayendorf
Francesco Tensi
Nando Angelini
Ward Jones
Fajda Nicol
Henchwoman (as Faida Nicol)

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