Romance Drama Comedy
Struggling performers, Sothern and Skelton's lives are thrown off gear when they are caught with a bagful of hard cash robbed by a goon. With Skelton in prison, how will Sothern prove their innocence?
Directed by
Roy Del Ruth
Red Skelton
Herbert P. 'Hap' Hixby
Willie Best
Sam (Uncredited)
Harry Tyler
Vegetable Peeler Salesman (Uncredited)
Frank Faylen
Stage Manager (Uncredited)
Jack Kenney
Man in Office (Uncredited)
Dorothy Morris
Frawley Frolics Girl (Uncredited)
William Tannen
Army Stage Manager (Uncredited)
Walter Catlett
Frank Jenks
Art Giffman
Richard Cramer
'Indian' in Third Booth with Mirror (Uncredited)
Philip Sleeman
Tall Thin 'Heel' (Uncredited)
Duke York
Stagehand at Second Theatre (Uncredited)
Ralph Peters
Eddie (Uncredited)
Lloyd Corrigan
Mr. Marshall J. Denningham
Philip Van Zandt
Stage Manager (Uncredited)
Ann Sothern
Maisie Ravier
Fritz Feld
Professor Orco
Esther Dale
Mrs. McIntyre (Uncredited)
Allen Jenkins
'Pappy' Goodring
William Haade
Bone Crusher (Uncredited)
Leo Gorcey
Donald Meek
Mr. Stickwell
Bryant Washburn
Maisie's Dance Partner (Uncredited)
Kay Medford
Woman in Audience (Uncredited)
Ben Welden
Percy Podd
Kay Deslys
Woman Waiting for 3 Hours (Uncredited)
Pamela Blake
Elsie McIntyre
Lou Lubin
Horse Player (Uncredited)
William H. O'Brien
Detective Taking in Hixby (Uncredited)
Rags Ragland
Ears Cofflin
Pat Gleason
Man in Office (Uncredited)
Robert Emmett O'Connor
Benefit Stage Manager (Uncredited)
Henry Roquemore
Pop (Uncredited)
Tommy Mack
Biff Snyder (Uncredited)
Joe Yule
Elevator Operator
Ellinor Vanderveer
Dowager (Uncredited)
William Roberts
Soldier (Uncredited)
Harry Clark
Kid Percentage (Uncredited)
Monte Collins
Man in Office (Uncredited)
Gene Delmont
'Indian' in Booth (Uncredited)
Harrison Greene
Mr. Dillon (Uncredited)
Leila McIntyre
Mrs. Dillon (Uncredited)
Philip Morris
Detective Taking in Hixby (Uncredited)
Jack Raymond
'Indian' in Second Booth Eating Banana (Uncredited)
Dick Rush
House Detective (Uncredited)
Florence Shirley
Mrs. Taylor (Uncredited)

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