Comedy Drama Romance
Ma Galestrum (Connie Gilchrist) is a boardinghouse owner whose tenants are a group of aspiring boxers. When her young niece, Judy (Jean Rogers), comes to stay for a visit, college dropout Ken Burke (William Lundigan) and Swedish janitor Ole (Dan Dailey Jr.) immediately fall for her charms. Ken considers going back to college for Judy, but his fight promoter is less than thrilled with this idea. Meanwhile, Ole is determined to meet Ken in the ring to vie for Judy's heart.
Directed by
David Miller
Written by
Allen Rivkin
Ava Gardner
Ringsider (uncredited)
Charles Lane
Ringside spectator at Ole's first fight (uncredited)
J. Carrol Naish
Matt Bassler
Dane Clark
Phil Grogan (uncredited)
William Lundigan
Ken Burke
Anthony Caruso
Nat Cucci
Guy Kibbee
'Pops' Muller
Dan Dailey
Leo Gorcey
Connie Gilchrist
Ma Galestrum
Sam Levene
Jean Rogers
Johnny Mitchell
'Baby' Fitzroy (as Douglass Newland)
Rags Ragland
'Killer' Connolly

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