Drama Comedy Romance
Four best friends (Tibby, Lena, Carmen & Bridget) who buy a mysterious pair of pants that fits each of them, despite their differing sizes, and makes whoever wears them feel fabulous. When faced with the prospect of spending their first summer apart, the pals decide they'll swap the pants so that each girl in turn can enjoy the magic.
Directed by
Ken Kwapis
Blake Lively
Bridget Vreeland
Alexis Bledel
Lena Kaligaris
Rachel Ticotin
Christina Lowell
Nancy Travis
Lydia Rodman
Amber Tamblyn
Tibby Rollins
Mike Vogel
Eric Richman
Kendall Cross
Marlene Vreeland
America Ferrera
Carmen Lowell
Michael Rady
Kostas Dounas
Emily Tennant
Krista Rodman
Bradley Whitford
Al Lowell
Jenna Boyd
Bailey Graffman
Brenda James
Barbara the Tailor
Sarah-Jane Redmond
Alice Rollins
Leonardo Nam
Brian McBrian
George Touliatos
Valerie Tian
Interview Girl #1
Katie Stuart
Bunkmate Jo
Beverley Elliott
Georgia Craig
Keith Dallas
Cab Driver
Ernie Lively
Franz Vreeland
Kyle Schmid
Paul Rodman
Erica Hubbard
Soccer Pal Diana
Patricia Drake
Coach Karen
Rorelee Tio
Mary Black
Bailey's Neighbor
Kathryn Kirkpatrick
Waitress Brenda
Maria Konstadarou
Yia Yia
Charles Payne
Soccer Dad
Jonathon Young
Kirsten Alter
Aerobics Instructor
Jacqueline Ann Steuart
Ariadne Kaligaris
Terrance Leigh
Patricia Mayen-Salazar
Camp Director Donna
Kristie Marsden
Soccer Pal Olivia

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