Comedy Romance Drama
Although strangers Sara and Jonathan are both already in relationships, they realize they have genuine chemistry after a chance encounter – but part company soon after. Years later, they each yearn to reunite, despite being destined for the altar. But to give true love a chance, they have to find one another again.
Directed by
Peter Chelsom
Written by
Marc Klein
Kate Beckinsale
Sara Thomas
Eve Crawford
Mrs. Buchanan
Eugene Levy
Bloomingdale's Salesman
Jeremy Piven
Dean Kansky
John Cusack
Jonathan Trager
Molly Shannon
Bridget Moynahan
Halley Buchanan
John Corbett
Lars Hammond
Evan Neumann
David Sparrow
Josh's Dad
Kate Blumberg
Courtney Kansky
Leo Fitzpatrick
Leasing Office Temp
Marcia Bennett
Mrs. Louis Trager
James Goodwin
Nick Roberts
Buck Henry
Customer at Bloomingdales (uncredited)
Crystal Bock
Bloomingdale's Saleswoman #2
Neil Claxton
Lars Band #2
Clark Middleton
Airport Cab Driver
Mike Benitez
Lucy Gordon
Caroline Mitchell
Aron Tager
Ajay Mehta
Pakistani Cab Driver
Sandra Caldwell
PR Woman
Lilli Lavine
Bloomingdale's Stock Girl
Pamela Redfern
Flight Attendant
Marqus Bobesich
Street Vendor
Gary Gerbrandt
Victor A. Young
Mr. Buchanan
Christopher James Baker
Lars Band #1
Stephen Bruce
Host at Serendipity
Ann Talman
Bloomingdale's Saleswoman #1
Brenda Logan
Hair Stylist
Kevin Rice
Arthur Pascuzzi
Golf Instructor
Simon Jutras
Sebastian Mignon
Kevin Kean Murphy
Man On Street
John Ellison Conlee
Charles A. Gargano
Announcer At Golf Range
Abdul Alshawish
Customer at Bloomingdale's
Michael Guarino, Jr.
Customer at Bloomingdale's
Ron Payne
Louis Trager
Catherine Kuhn
Wedding Coordinator
David Copeland
John Mead

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