Fantasy Comedy
When Andrew Long, hyper-efficient small town accountant, finds a $1240 discrepancy in the city budget, his superiors try to explain it away. When he insists on pursuing the matter, he's in danger of being blamed himself. In his trouble, the spirit of Andrew Jackson, whom he idolizes, visits him, and in turn, summons much high-powered talent from American history...which only Andrew can see.
Directed by
Stuart Heisler
Brian Donlevy
General Andrew Jackson
Minor Watson
District Attorney Orville Beamish
Rod Cameron
Jesse James
William Holden
Andrew Long
Montagu Love
General George Washington
Ben Taggart
Wallis Clark
City Treasurer R.R. McCall
Gilbert Emery
Mr. Thomas Jefferson
Brandon Hurst
Mr. Chief Justice John Marshall
Noel Neill
Congratulatory Girl in Courtroom
William Halligan
Mr. Bricker, Banker
Monte Blue
Richard Webb
Randall Stevens
Clyde Fillmore
Mayor Ollie Lancaster
Margaret Seddon
Mrs. Kelly
Walter Baldwin
Hugo French
Emory Parnell
Margaret McWade
Mrs. Ballard
Chester Conklin
Chester Clute
Sam Marbery
Porter Hall
Chief Clerk Art Slocumb
Frances Gifford
Miss Halsey
Gibson Gowland
Tom Fadden
Jake Pearl
Theodore Lorch
Margaret Mann
Bit Role
Martha O'Driscoll
District Attorney's Secretary
Hobart Cavanaugh
Teller / Witness
Spencer Charters
Dr. Clarence Upjohn
James Millican
Milton Parsons
Purchase Agent Sam Savage
Nydia Westman
Miss Van Buren
Ellen Drew
Peggy Tobin
Harlan Briggs
Sheriff Clem Watkins
Jimmy Conlin
Private Henry Bartholowmew Smith
Jack O'Shea
Thomas W. Ross
Judge Ormond Krebbs
Howard M. Mitchell
George Watts
Dr. Benjamin Franklin
Helena Phillips Evans
Mrs. Grondos
Sam Bagley
Jane Cowan
Bit Role
Lew Davis
Bit Role
Ruth Day
Bit Role
Douglas Deems
Walter Lawrence
Ed Randolph
Bit Role
Brick Sullivan
Joe, Policeman
Rudd Weatherwax
Dog Man

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