Action Comedy Adventure Crime Drama
Gyung-sun is a washed-up cab driver who has been trying to go straight after years in trouble with the law after being a big-time safecracker. Soo-jin wants to be a famous singer, but lives the life of a trophy girlfriend to her vicious gangster boyfriend. An unlikely situation cause these two different women to meet where they plan a daring solution to both their problems that will escalate and threaten the wrath of many powerful and corrupt people around them.
Directed by
Ryoo Seung-wan
Written by
Ryoo Seung-wan, Jeong Jin-wan
Jeon Do-yeon
Lee Hye-young
Jung Jae-young
Lee Moon-sik
Middle-aged Tourist
Shin Goo
Kim Geum-bok
Ryoo Seung-bum
Chae Min-Su
Im Won-hee
Ahn Kil-kang
BBQ Restaurant Owner
Baek Il-seob
Kim Su-hyun
Ssek Ssek Yi
Lee Bong-gyu
Boxing Director
Kim Yeong-in
Lee Young-hoo
Captain Ma-bak
Baek Chan-Ki
Hwang Choon-ha
Park Chan-ho
Kim Il-woong
BBQ Restaurant Employee 1

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