Comedy Drama Romance
Failed London banker Max Skinner inherits his uncle's vineyard in Provence, where he spent many childhood holidays. Upon his arrival, he meets a woman from California who tells Max she is his long-lost cousin and that the property is hers.
Directed by
Ridley Scott
Russell Crowe
Max Skinner
Freddie Highmore
Young Max Skinner
Abbie Cornish
Christie Roberts
Rafe Spall
Marion Cotillard
Fanny Chenal
Tom Hollander
Charlie Willis
Kenneth Cranham
Sir Nigel
Archie Panjabi
Nicholas Guest
Albert Finney
Henry Skinner
Daniel Mays
Bert the Doorman
Giannina Facio
Maitre D'
Richard Coyle
Didier Bourdon
Francis Duflot
Isabelle Candelier
Ludivine Duflot
Jean Gilpin
Philippe Bergeron
Mitchell Mullen
American Customer #1
Gregg Chillin
Hip Hopper #1
Patrick Kennedy
Trader #2
Karen Strassman
Jacques Herlin
Papa Duflot
Hélène Cardona
Stewart Wright
Broker #1
Samantha Robson
Ali Rhodes
20-Something Beauty
Nila Aalia
Newscaster #1
Valeria Bruni Tedeschi
Nathalie Auzet
Maria Papas
Gemma's Friend
Ian Ruskin
Marine Casto
Young Fanny
Catriona MacColl
English Couple #1
Ben Righton
Trader #1
Neil Dickson
Peter Lavin
Moira Quirk
Magali Woch
Darren Richardson
Félicité Du Jeu
Edita Brychta
Igor Panich
Russian Couple #1
Linda Sans
Catherine Vinatier
Fanny's Mother
Paula J. Newman
Jean-Paul Vignon
Gilles Gaston-Dreyfus
Bruno Stephane
Jean-Michel Richaud
Jean-Louis Darville
Stephen Hudson
Newscaster #2
Lionel Briand
Rental Car Employee
Oleg Sosnovikov
Russian Couple #2
Patrick Payet
English Couple #2
Philippe Méry
Chateau Buyer
Dominique Laurent
Chateau Buyer
Tom Stuart
Broker #2
Toney Tutini
Hip Hopper #2
Patrick Hillan
Frank Isles
Valeria Milenka Repnau
Craig Robert Young

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