Drama Romance Fantasy
Tilo is an Indian shopkeeper in America with an ability to see the future and a magical connection to powerful spices, which she uses to help her customers satisfy their various needs and desires. One day she falls in love with an American man. But the spices forbid it.
Directed by
Paul Mayeda Berges
Written by
Paul Mayeda Berges, Gurinder Chadha
Aishwarya Rai Bachchan
Anupam Kher
Geeta's Grandfather
Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje
Dylan McDermott
Ayesha Dharker
Hameeda - Haroun's neighbor
Padma Lakshmi
Nina Young
Doug's Mother
Caroline Chikezie
Paul Bhattacharjee
Satish - Geeta's dad
Toby Marlow
Young Doug
Nitin Ganatra
Haroun Rehman
Zohra Sehgal
First Mother (as Zohra Segal)
Rebecca Bowden
Bougainvillea Girl
Shaheen Khan
Jagit's Mother
Sonny Gill Dulay

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