Drama History
Maria is a young, struggling actress with promise. When an emerging Italian director casts her to headline a new film alongside an American superstar, her dreams are coming true. But what seems like a big breakthrough turns out to be the start of a living hell.
Directed by
Jessica Palud
Céleste Brunnquell
Matt Dillon
Marlon Brando
Anamaria Vartolomei
Maria Schneider
Marie Gillain
Yvan Attal
Daniel Gélin
Giuseppe Maggio
Bernardo Bertolucci
Patrice Tepasso
Vittorio Storaro
Benjamin Biolay
Stanislas Merhar
Alexis Corso
Aurélie Garault
Maquilleuse de Daniel Gélin
Jérémy Charvet
Alexandre Ionescu
Louis ingé son
Swann Dupont
La scripte

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