Animation Adventure Fantasy
Life is good in the idyllic fairytale village of Nix... until an all-devouring monster appears. Young Willy has to fight it. Alone.
Directed by
Written by
Tom Waits
Virgil (Voice)
Charles Hubbell
Langemanne (Voice)
Olivia Merilahti
Singer (as Olivia Merilahti) (Voice)
Joe Eshuis
Willy (Voice)
Randy (The Residents)
Weeping Villager #1 (Voice)
Hardy Fox
Weeping Villager #2 (Voice)
Chuck (The Residents)
Weeping Villager #3 (Voice)
Bob (The Residents)
Weeping Villager #4 (Voice)
Carlos (The Residents)
Weeping Villager #5 (Voice)
Metropole Orkest
Xander Forterie

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