Comedy Drama
Woody Allen stars as Val Waxman, a two-time Oscar winner turned washed-up, neurotic director in desperate need of a comeback. When it comes, Waxman finds himself backed into a corner: Work for his ex-wife Ellie or forfeit his last shot. Is Val blinded by love when he opts for the reconnect? Is love blind when it comes to Ellie's staunch support? Literally and figuratively, the proof is the picture.
Directed by
Woody Allen
Debra Messing
Tiffani Thiessen
Sharon Bates
Téa Leoni
Treat Williams
Aaron Stanford
George Hamilton
Neal Huff
Commercial A.D.
Ramsey Faragallah
Audition Reader
Mark Webber
Tony Waxman
Peter Gerety
Erica Leerhsen
Gregg Edelman
Galaxie Executive
Marian Seldes
Fred Melamed
Ray Garvey
Joseph Rigano
Rochelle Oliver
Script Supervisor
Anthony Arkin
Audition Reader
Jodie Markell
Andrea Ford
Peter Van Wagner
Balthazar Couple
Stephanie Roth Haberle
Barbeque Guest
Howard Erskine
Carlyle Patron
Carmen Dell'Orefice
Woman in the Carlyle Bar (uncredited)
Douglas McGrath
Barbeque Guest
Maurice Sonnenberg
Banquet Emcee
Ted Neustadt
MRI Doctor
Isaac Mizrahi
Elio Sebastian
Ivan Martin
Galaxie Executive
Barbara Carroll
Carlyle Pianist
Kenneth Edelson
Eye Doctor
Bob Dorian
Galaxie Executive
Judy Toma
Balthazar Couple
Louis Lu Yu
Roxanne Perry
Barbeque Guest
Olivia Hayman
Balthazar Hostess
Sarah Polen
Seder Guest
Amanda Jacobi
Seder Guest
Steve Hurwitz
Seder Guest
Ruth Last
Seder Guest
Robert Lloyd Wolchok
Seder Guest
Joel Eidelsberg
Seder Guest
Reiko Takahashi
Movie Extra
Mary Samuels
Galaxie Executive

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