Romance Comedy Drama
Lina is about to graduate high school and has her sights set on her future at MIT. But when her mom gets sick, she encourages Lina to follow in her footsteps and have “the summer of a lifetime” in Rome. Using her mom’s old diary as a guide, she explores the romantic and magical city, where she just might find love... and gelato, of course.
Directed by
Brandon Camp
Saul Nanni
Alessandro Albani
Anjelika Washington
Valentina Lodovini
Susanna Skaggs
Lina Emerson
Owen McDonnell
Alex Boniello
Fleetwood Zach
Claudia Stecher
Tobia De Angelis
Lorenzo Ferrazza
Luca Seta
Cosimo Albani
Tammie Baird
Cristiano Piacenti
Matteo Fossi
Tera Hendrickson
Italian Priest
Marie-France Arcilla
Jacopo Relucenti
Antonio Landi
Capo della sicurezza
Jo Michelle Favaro
Alessandro's Friend
Adam Laupus

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