Animation Drama
A fragmented portrait of a moment, a person, and a place, seen through the subjective memories of a young Black girl, Imani, and a rookie police officer, David, who both have wildly different recollections of the same fateful moment in a corner store that will leave their lives altered forever.
Directed by
Robert-Jonathan Koeyers
Written by
Robert-Jonathan Koeyers
Marissa Lenti
Newscaster #1 (voice)
Anka Ferris
Imani (voice)
Henry Brinkerhoff
David (voice)
Kevin Strickland
Interrogator (voice)
John-Henry Kurtz
Newscaster #2 (voice)
Camila Beatriz
Dispatcher (voice)
Emma Tigan
Imani's Mom (voice)
Kaleb Earley
Crimson (voice)
Nohely Koeyers

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