Crime Thriller
When a wealthy man dies, his avaricious relatives look forward to inheriting all his money. However, he leaves a provision in his will that they all must spend a week together in his castle before they will be able to inherit anything. At the castle (which is cut off from the outside world), the relatives soon begin to be killed off one by one, each strangled with an Indian scarf.
Directed by
Alfred Vohrer
Klaus Kinski
Peter Ross
Hans Nielsen
Mr. Tilling
Elisabeth Flickenschildt
Lady Emily Lebanon
Hans Clarin
Lord Edward Lebanon
Corny Collins
Isla Harris
Rainer Brandt
Inspektor Fuchsberger (voice)
Eddi Arent
Richard Maria Bonwit
Heinz Drache
Frank Tanner
Siegfried Schürenberg
Sir Henry Hockbridge
Alexander Engel
Reverend Hastings
Richard Häussler
Dr. Amersham
Gisela Uhlen
Mrs. Tilling, geb. Lebanon
Ady Berber

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