Comedy Drama Romance
Drew Baylor is fired after causing his shoe company to lose hundreds of millions of dollars. To make matters worse, he's also dumped by his girlfriend. On the verge of ending it all, Drew gets a new lease on life when he returns to his family's small Kentucky hometown after his father dies. Along the way, he meets a flight attendant with whom he falls in love.
Directed by
Cameron Crowe
Written by
Cameron Crowe
Tom Cruise
Judy Greer
Heather Baylor
Orlando Bloom
Drew Baylor
Alec Baldwin
Phil DeVoss
Susan Sarandon
Hollie Baylor
Jessica Biel
Ellen Kishmore
Kirsten Dunst
Claire Colburn
Masam Holden
Drew at Age 10
Gailard Sartain
Charles Dean
Bruce McGill
Bill Banyon
Gregory North
Helicopter Pilot
Paul Schneider
Jessie Baylor
Catherine McGoohan
Allison Munn
Desk Clerk Charlotte
Nate Mooney
Emily Rutherfurd
Cindy Hasboro
Michael Naughton
Another Cousin
Kelly Pendygraft
Rebecca the Bridesmaid
Jed Rees
Chuck Hasboro
Kristin Lindquist
Leslie David Baker
Airport Security #2 (uncredited)
Guy Stevenson
Security Guard
Laura Albert
Steve Seagren
Dock Worker
Patty Griffin
Jim James
Jessie's Band
Dan Biggers
Uncle Roy
Jim Fitzpatrick
Sonny King
Etown Veteran
Loudon Wainwright III
Uncle Dale
Jeanette O'Connor
Ted Manson
Sad Joe
Jeffrey De Serrano
Security Guard
Paula Deen
Aunt Dora
Alice Marie Crowe
Aunt Lena
Tim Devitt
Mitch Baylor
Maxwell Moss Steen
Reid Thompson Steen
Shane Lyons
Starstruck Kid
Griffin Grabow
Nina Jefferies
Staring Mona
Emily Goldwyn
Star Basketball Player
Tom Humbarger
Crematory Concierge
Sean Nepita
Mike Bohannon
Dena DeCola
David Brandt
Hotel Manager
Jenny Gregg Stewart
Loud Kid
Delaney Keefe
Loud Kid
Travis Howard
Bobby Daniels
Rod Burke
Judy Pryor Trice
Woman in Finery
Two-Tone Tommy
Jessie's Band
Patrick Hallahan
Jessie's Band
Charlie Crowe
Jessie's Band
Carl Broemel
Jessie's Band
Scott Sener
Jessie's Band
John M. Sullivan
Etown Veteran
Erwin Russell Marlowe
Etown Veteran
Michael Hatch
Drew at Age 6
Jennifer Woods
Alana Ball
Maid of Honor
Russell George
Russ from Ernestine and Hazel's
Ralph Conlee
Man on the Bench
Billy Tencza
Hailey Knight
Nicky Roos
Sharon's Son
Zane Rice
Little Chapel Boy
Kassie Pinegar
Little Howling Girl
Michael Jaroscak
The Young Recruit
Nigel Miguel
Basketball Coach
Samantha Ray
Frightened Memorial-goer
Nicole Spector
Other Girl in Red Hat

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