Comedy Romance
Two not-too-bright party girls reinvent themselves for their high school reunion. Armed with a borrowed Jaguar, new clothes and the story of their success as the inventors of Post-It notes, Romy and Michele descend on their alma mater, but their façade crumbles quickly.
Directed by
David Mirkin
Elaine Hendrix
Lisa Luder
Mira Sorvino
Romy White
Lisa Kudrow
Michele Weinberger
Justin Theroux
Julia Campbell
Christy Masters
Alan Cumming
Sandy Frink
Janeane Garofalo
Heather Mooney
Jacob Vargas
Rick Pasqualone
Zack Phifer
Head of Personnel
Camryn Manheim
Toby Walters
Kristin Bauer
Kelly Possenger
Vincent Ventresca
Billy Christianson
Mary Ann Schmidt
Beach Bunny (uncredited)
Deezer D
Service Guy
Gina Aponte
Workout Girl (uncredited)
Kathy Long
Kick Boxing Instructor
Pat Crawford Brown
Truck Stop Waitress
Robb Skyler
Creepy Manager
Avis Hope
Paul Keeley
Suit Salesman
Mia Cottet
Cheryl Quick
Neil Dickson
Boutique Manager
Anne Jensen
Reunion Guest
E.J. Callahan
Mr Lish
Ricky Paull Goldin
Guy at Rehab Meeting
Elizabeth Norment
Irate Customer
Tami-Adrian George
'Singled Out' Receptionist
Hugh Aodh O'Brien
Betsy Folsom
Spinning Instructor
Kivi Rogers
Service Guy
Brian McGregor
Victor Wilson
Bartender Vic
Amelinda Embry
Reunion Guest
Keana Hall
Reunion Guest
Alison Gale
Reunion Guest
Linda Clements
Beverly Hills Lady
William R Phillips
Man at Diner (uncredited)
Brian Stover
Man at Gym (uncredited)
Jonathan Adler
Reunion Guest (uncredited)
Taylor Brooks
Boyfriend (uncredited)
Smith Wordes

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