Action Comedy War
The gang that created Airplane and The Naked Gun sets its sights on Top Gun in this often hilarious spoof starring Charlie Sheen, who previously only inspired laughs with his personal life. He plays Topper Harley, a fighter pilot with an ax to grind: clearing the family name. He gets involved in a relationship with Valerie Golino, a woman with an unusually talented stomach. But his mission is to avenge his father. Lloyd Bridges, late in his career, revealed an aptitude for this kind of silliness, here as a commander who is both incredibly dim and delightfully accident prone. Directed by Jim Abrahams, the film makes fun of a variety of other films as well, from Dances with Wolves to The Fabulous Baker Boys. It was so successful that they all returned in the sequel, Hot Shots! Part Deux.
Directed by
Jim Abrahams
Written by
Jim Abrahams, Pat Proft
Jon Cryer
Jim 'Wash Out' Pfaffenbach
Kristy Swanson
Charlie Sheen
Topper Harley / Rhett Butler / Superman
Valeria Golino
Ramada Thompson / Scarlett O'Hara / Lois Lane
Ryan Stiles
'Mailman' Farnham
Don Lake
Heidi Swedberg
Mrs. 'Dead Meat' Thompson
Cary Elwes
Kent Gregory
Don Luce
Bill Irwin
Buzz Harley
Kevin Dunn
Lt. Commander Block
Lloyd Bridges
Admiral Benson
Charles Barkley
Charles Barkley
Cylk Cozart
Drill Sergeant #1
Efrem Zimbalist Jr.
Bill Laimbeer
Bill Laimbeer
Bruce A. Young
'Red' Herring
Annie O'Donnell
Amish Woman
Kelly Connell
Air Controller
Eugene Greytak
Pope John Paul II
Ryan Cutrona
Captain Margolis
Jimmie Ray Weeks
Amish Man
Tony Lorea
Humphrey 'Bogie' Bogart
William O'Leary
Pete 'Dead Meat' Thompson
Jerry Haleva
Saddam Hussein
Tony Simotes
Ambulance Driver
Marie Thomas-Foster
Elston Ridgle
Boxer #1
Rino Thunder
Owatonna 'The Old One'
Mark Arnott
Judith Kahan
Jeff Bright
Communications Officer
Jimmy Lennon Jr.
Ring Announcer
Ryan Fitzgerald
Al Clegg
Christopher J. Keene
Drill Sergeant #2
Ed Herschlar
Mack Yamaguchi
Bob Lenz
Elvis 'The King' Presley
Willie Collins
Robert Puro
Precocious Paper Boy
Richard Lasting
Handsome Milkman
Max Jones
Boxer #2
Nancy Abrahams
Family in Front of TV Store
Joseph Abrahams
Family in Front of TV Store
Jamie Abrahams
Family in Front of TV Store
Cary Brayboy
Sleepy Weasel Squadron
Tony Moreno
Sleepy Weasel Squadron
Kevin Eads
Sleepy Weasel Squadron
Dave Oliver
Sleepy Weasel Squadron
Richard Emanuelle
Sleepy Weasel Squadron
Kip Pierce
Sleepy Weasel Squadron
Brent Freeman
Sleepy Weasel Squadron
Kenton Steger
Sleepy Weasel Squadron
Craig McIntosh
Sleepy Weasel Squadron
Sean Wright
Sleepy Weasel Squadron
Joe Allegro
Sleepy Weasel Squadron
Jack I. Bernstein
Rabinowitz (uncredited)
Janet Graham

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