Comedy Adventure
Dario, a young electronics enthusiast, decides in the late evening to take a trip down the street to throw out the garbage to kill time - waiting for his "freeze-dried tart" to finish ...getting ready - but his return to home is hindered by many bizarre, violent and out of the ordinary characters who one after another involve him in their delusions, making him run far and wide.
Directed by
Federico Imola
Written by
Federico Imola
Andrea Marcucci
Anastasia Fontanella
la Ludopatica
Vasco Ferrelli
Maddalena Ladu
Elio Scutti
Uomo del Magnesio
Alessandro Gizi
Uomo sull'autobus
Simone Silvestri
Tossico in metro
Spacciatore #2
Francesco Paglino
Diego, lo spacciatore
Giulia Ladu
Ragazza in metro
Andrea Arzu
Ragazzo in metro
Ludovica Castrichella
Fabiola Berretta
Madre di Dario (voce)

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