Drama Romance
With their father away as a chaplain in the Civil War, Jo, Meg, Beth and Amy grow up with their mother in somewhat reduced circumstances. They are a close family who inevitably have their squabbles and tragedies. But the bond holds even when, later, male friends start to become a part of the household.
Directed by
Gillian Armstrong
Winona Ryder
Jo March
Christian Bale
Susan Sarandon
Mrs. March
Kirsten Dunst
Younger Amy March
Claire Danes
Beth March
Jay Brazeau
Samantha Mathis
Older Amy March
Donal Logue
Jacob Mayer
Eric Stoltz
John Brooke
Mar Andersons
Fred Vaughan
Trini Alvarado
Meg March
Gabriel Byrne
Friedrich Bhaer
Tegan Moss
Minnie Kirk
Michele Goodger
Beverley Elliott
Irish Maid
James Leard
Office Worker
Mary Wickes
Aunt March
Marilyn Norry
Mrs. Kirk
Sarah Strange
Sally's Friend
Christine Lippa
Mrs. Hummel
Matthew Walker
Mr. March
Scott Bellis
John McCracken
Demetri Goritsas
Bhaer's Student
John Neville
Mr. Laurence
Andrea Libman
Kitty Kirk
Heather Feeney
Dancer (uncredited)
Kate Robbins
Opera Singer 'Leila'
Alan Robertson
Dr. Bangs
Rebecca Toolan
Mrs. Gardiner
Janie Woods-Morris
Boston Matron
Daniel Olsen
Wounded Soldier (uncredited)
Eric Bruno Borgman
Returning Civil War Soldier (uncredited)
Florence Paterson
Robin Collins
Carriage Boy
Corrie Clark
Belle Gardiner
Curt Willington
Red Haired Young Man
Louella Pleffer
Naughty Girl
Janne Mortil
Sally Moffat
Ahnee Boyce
Sally's Friend
Marco Roy
Mr. Parker
A.J. Unger
Ned Moffat
Patricia Leith
Boston Matron
Nicole Babuick
Hummel Child
Jenna Percy
Hummel Child
Bethoe Shirkoff
Art Teacher
Janet Craig
Miss Norton
Charles Baird
Office Worker
David Adams
Opera Singer 'Nadir'
John Shaw
Charles Botts
Irene Miscisco
French Maid
Peter Haworth
Male Secretary
Natalie Friisdahl
Kristy Friisdahl
Bryan Finn
Sean Finn

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