Action Comedy Drama
Trucker Rubber Duck and his buddies Pig Pen, Widow Woman and Spider Mike use their CB radios to warn one another of the presence of cops. But conniving Sheriff Wallace is hip to the truckers' tactics, and begins tricking the drivers through his own CB broadcasts. Facing constant harassment from the law, Rubber Duck and his pals use their radios to coordinate a vast convoy and rule the road.
Directed by
Sam Peckinpah
Kris Kristofferson
Rubber Duck
James Coburn
Ernest Borgnine
Lyle Wallace
Madge Sinclair
Widow Woman
Anne Lockhart
Dispatcher (uncredited)
Patrice Martinez
Burt Young
Pig Pen
Brian Davies
Chuck Arnoldi
Cassie Yates
Ali MacGraw
Jim Burk
Jorge Russek
Tiny Alvarez
Seymour Cassel
Governor Haskins
Franklyn Ajaye
Spider Mike
Edward Blatchford
Tommy Bush
Chief Stacey Love
Stephen Bruton
Jesus Freak
Bill Coontz
Old Iguana
Jophery C. Brown
Bob Herron
Daniel D. Halleck
Spec O'Donnell
18 Wheel Eddie
Billy E. Hughes
Pack Rat
Walter Kelley
Jackson D. Kane
Big Nasty
Larry Spaulding
Bald Eagle
Randy Brady
Sneaky Snake
Allen Keller
William C. Jones Jr.
Tom Runyon
Vera Zenovich
Donnie Fritts
Reverend Sloane
Bobbie Barnes
Jesus Freak
Sammy Lee Creason
Jesus Freak
Cleveland Dupin
Jesus Freak
Jerry McGee
Jesus Freak
Terry Paul
Jesus Freak
Mike Utley
Jesus Freak
Wayne D. Wilkinson
Jesus Freak
Charles Benton
Deke Thornton
George Coleman
Septic Sam
Paula Baldwin
Herb Robins
Mechanic Bob
Don Levy
Senator Myers
James R. Moore
Motorcycle Cop
James Edgcomb
Doug — Press Man
John Gill
Jack — Garage Attendant
Stacy Newton
Sabra Wilson
John Bryson
Texas Governor
Carla Christina Contreras
Town Member (uncredited)
Debbie Letteau
Girl in the Bar (uncredited)
Jerry Gatlin
Tom Lupo
Walter Wyatt
Regina Parton

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