Drama Romance
Henry Thomas tries to overcome the horrors of his childhood and start a new life with his wife and kid. However, his abusive step-mother and his dependence on alcohol threaten to ruin his future.
Directed by
Robert Mulligan
Steve McQueen
Henry Thomas
Paul Fix
Juge Ewing
Lee Remick
Georgette Thomas
Don Murray
Deputy Sheriff Slim
Charles Watts
Mr. Tillman
Josephine Hutchinson
Mme Ewing
Glen Campbell
Band Member
Roy Jenson
Tough Patron
Carol Veazie
Mrs. Tillman
Georgia Simmons
Miss Kate Dawson
Hal Blaine
Band Member
John Daheim
Tough Patron
Estelle Hemsley
Ruth White
Miss Clara
George Dunn
Kimberly Block
Margaret Rose Thomas
Zamah Cunningham
Mrs. T.V. Smith
Wallace Schlemmer
Horse Boss Guarding Prisoners

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