Family Comedy Romance Drama
Climbing aboard their mammoth recreational vehicle for a cross-country road trip to the Colorado Rockies, the Munro family – led by dysfunctional patriarch, Bob – prepares for the adventure of a lifetime. But spending two weeks together in one seriously small space has a way of cramping their style.
Directed by
Barry Sonnenfeld
Josh Hutcherson
Carl Munro
Kristin Chenoweth
Mary Jo Gornicke
Cheryl Hines
Jamie Munro
Tony Hale
Robin Williams
Bob Munro
Brendan Fletcher
Will Arnett
Todd Mallory
Cassie Munro
Hunter Parrish
Earl Gornicke
Ty Olsson
Diablo Pass Officer
Giacomo Baessato
Hip Hop Wannabe
Matthew Gray Gubler
Joe Joe
Jeff Daniels
Travis Gornicke
Brian Howe
Alex Ferris
Billy Gornicke
Rob LaBelle
Larry Moiphine
Brian Markinson
Garry Moiphine
Stephen E. Miller
Organ Stew Guy
Chad Krowchuk
Scruffy Teenager
Kirsten Alter
Malcolm Scott
Richard Ian Cox
Bruce McFee
Independence Pass Officer
Erika-Shaye Gair
Cassie (age 5)
Chloe Sonnenfeld
Moon Gornicke
Veronika Sztopa
Deborah DeMille
Dump Lady
Rebecca Erwin Spencer
Justin Chartier
Hip Hop Wannabe
Andrew Botz
Hip Hop Wannabe
Kayla Popp
Travis McConnell

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