Animation Drama Comedy
Ever since coming across the world of boy’s rhythmic gymnastics during the last summer of junior-high, Shotaro Futaba has become fascinated with the sport. So when he enters Soshokuan Private High School, known as Ao High for short, he heads to the boy’s rhythmic gymnastics club, where he meets unique seniors and the ace of the team, Ryoya Misato. The members of the club each have their own passions, but they’ve put it all on the line with a single goal in mind. Now the next stage in their journey has arrived: the inter-high competition!
Directed by
Toshimasa Kuroyanagi
Reina Ueda
Ayumi Futaba (voice)
Ayane Sakura
Asawo Kurikoma (voice)
Kaito Ishikawa
Ryoya Misato (voice)
Daiki Yamashita
Shunsuke Azuma (voice)
Ayumu Murase
Mashiro Tsukiyuki (voice)
Takahiro Sakurai
Shusaku Shida (voice)
Tomokazu Sugita
Hideo Ominato (voice)
Katsuyuki Konishi
Toru Takase (voice)
Daisuke Ono
Masamune Shichigahama (voice)
Hiroshi Kamiya
Kotaro Watari (voice)
Hiro Shimono
Nagayoshi Onagawa (voice)
Kenichi Suzumura
Yojiro Mutsu (voice)
Kenichirou Matsuda
Shuji Mabuchi (voice)
Soma Saito
Kyoichi Ryugamori (voice)
Takashi Kondo
Keisuke Tsukidate (voice)
Shimba Tsuchiya
Shotaro Futaba (voice)

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