Crime Drama
This is the true story of Bobby Kent, a teen bully in the suburban town of Hollywood, Florida. Eventually, his best friend and girlfriend team up with the various other kids that are tired of getting beat up by him. Included in that group are the overweight Lisa Connelly. Together, seven teenagers lure Bobby out, deep into the swamp, promising him sex and drugs and when they get there, they beat him to death with baseball bats....
Directed by
Larry Clark
Michael Pitt
Donny Semenex
Rachel Miner
Lisa Connelly
Kelli Garner
Heather Swallers
Leo Fitzpatrick
The Hitman
Nick Stahl
Bobby Kent
Bijou Phillips
Ali Willis
Olivia Burnette
Jennifer Stable
Daniel Franzese
Cousin Derek
Brad Renfro
Marty Puccio
Ed Amatrudo
Fred Kent
Jessica Sutta
Steve Raulerson
Mr. Willis
Alan Lilly
Mr. Puccio
Judy Clayton
Mrs. Willis
Deborah Smith Ford
Farah Kent
Nathalie Paulding
Irene B. Colletti
Mrs. Puccio (Veronica Puccio)
Marc Pearson
Marty's Brother

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