Animation Family Adventure
Yuku is a young mouse who lives with her family in the cellar of a castle. Her grandmother passes on the family values by telling her timeless folk tales. Injured in a tussle with a cat, the old mouse is bedridden and she tells her children that she will have to leave them to follow the little blind mole into the Earth’s tunnels. In one of her grandmother’s storybooks, Yuku learns that the flower of the Himalayas can bring her eternal light. She leaves on a journey of discovery to find the flower.
Directed by
Rémi Durin, Arnaud Demuynck
Written by
Arnaud Demuynck
Agnès Jaoui
La Renarde (voice)
Tom Novembre
Le Loup (voice)
Igor van Dessel
Le Écureuil (voice)
Thierry de Coster
Le Chat (voice)
Alice on the Roof
Le Lapin (voice)
Lily Demuynck Deydier
Yuku (voice)
Carine Seront
Mamy (voice)
Maia Baran
Maman Souris (voice)
Martin Spinhayer
Le Corbeau (voice)
Lou Durin
Petites Souris (voice)
Manon Durin
Petites Souris (voice)
Elisabeth Langlois-Bekaert
Petites Souris (voice)

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