Drama Romance
An escaped circus lion provides the impetus for the meeting of carnival owner Nick Coster and Matt Varney, a small-town man who suddenly becomes a lion tamer when he manages to subdue the big cat. While acclimating to carnival life, Matt begins a romance with Nick's sister, Mary, causing tension between Matt and Nick. The latter must also juggle his stormy relationship with glamorous circus star Flo Lorraine.
Directed by
Ray Enright
Humphrey Bogart
Nick Coster
Michael Jeffers
Show Spectator (uncredited)
Joan Leslie
Mary Coster
Sylvia Sidney
Flo Lorraine
Eddie Albert
Matt Varney
Jack Mower
Sailor Vincent
Roustabout (uncredited)
Eddie Acuff
Pickpocket Victim (uncredited)
Dick Elliott
Mr. Paddleford (uncredited)
John Dilson
Minister (uncredited)
Sig Ruman
Hoffman the Great
Billy Wayne
Chicago Taxi Driver (uncredited)
Grace Hayle
Mrs. Grebnick (uncredited)
John Ridgely
Charley Foy
Fay Helm
Wife (uncredited)
Tom Wilson
Barker (uncredited)
Aldrich Bowker
Mr. Williams
Frank Wilcox
Garry Owen
Frank Mayo
Clara Blandick
Mrs. Williams
Buster Phelps
Boy (uncredited)
Stuart Holmes
Rural Taxi Driver (uncredited)
Cliff Clark
George Guhl
Deputy Sheriff (uncredited)
Robert Milasch
Roustabout (uncredited)
Eddie Hall
Man Running from Escaped Lion (uncredited)
George Ovey
Boy (uncredited)
Sol Gorss
Trainer with Tex (uncredited)
Anthony Nace
Husband (uncredited)
Robert Winkler
Boy (uncredited)

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