Action Drama Romance
When Navy pilot Dale Heath takes off, he doesn't expect his navigational equipment to fail and must adapt when it goes out along with his radio. Heading straight for a commercial jet piloted by Dick Barnett, whose plane is full of passengers, Heath can't tell which way to turn in order to avoid a catastrophe.
Directed by
Joseph Pevney
Troy Donahue
Dana Andrews
Dick Barnett
Keenan Wynn
Nick Hyland
Anne Francis
Kitty Foster
John Kerr
Mike Rule
Rhonda Fleming
Cheryl 'Charro' Heath
Jean Willes
Gloria Panawek
Efrem Zimbalist Jr.
Dale Heath
Joe Mantell
Louis Capelli
Nan Leslie
Bev Barnett
Patsy Kelly
Gertrude Ross
Tom Gilson
Rob Fermi
Donald May
Norm Coster
Ed Kemmer
Caesar (as Edward Kemmer)
Louis Quinn
Sidney Schreiber
Don Grady
Frieda Inescort
Mrs. Mitchell
Hollis Irving
Beatrice Wiley
Paul Genge
Samuel N. Poole
Ken Currie
Dick Barnett Jr.

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