Comedy Mystery Crime
Juliet Forrest is convinced that the reported death of her father in a mountain car crash was no accident. Her father was a prominent cheese scientist working on a secret recipe. To prove it was murder, she enlists the services of private eye Rigby Reardon. He finds a slip of paper containing a list of people who are 'The Friends and Enemies of Carlotta'.
Directed by
Carl Reiner
Bette Davis
(in "Deception") (archive footage)
Steve Martin
Rigby Reardon
George Gaynes
Dr. Forrest
Kirk Douglas
(in "I Walk Alone") (archive footage)
Rachel Ward
Juliet Forrest
Humphrey Bogart
(in "The Big Sleep" / "In a Lonely Place" / "Dark Passage") (archive footage)
Lana Turner
(in "Johnny Eager" / "The Postman Always Rings Twice") (archive footage)
Ingrid Bergman
(in "Notorious") (archive footage)
Ava Gardner
(in "The Killers" / "The Bribe") (archive footage)
Cary Grant
(in "Suspicion") (archive footage)
Vincent Price
(in "The Bribe") (archive footage)
Joan Crawford
(in "Humoresque") (archive footage)
Burt Lancaster
(in "The Killers") (archive footage)
Brian Donlevy
(in "The Glass Key") (archive footage)
Edward Arnold
(in "Johnny Eager") (archive footage)
Barbara Stanwyck
(in "Sorry - Wrong Number") (archive footage)
William Conrad
(in "The Killers") (archive footage)
Fred MacMurray
(in "Double Indemnity") (archive footage)
Veronica Lake
(in "The Glass Key") (archive footage)
Alan Ladd
(in "This Gun For Hire") (archive footage)
Carl Reiner
Juliet's Butler / Field Marshal Wilfried von Kluck
James Cagney
(in "White Heat") (archive footage)
Charles Laughton
(in "The Bribe") (archive footage)
Reni Santoni
Carlos Rodriguez
Gene LeBell
Charles McGraw
(in "The Killers") (archive footage)
Jeff Corey
(in "The Killers") (archive footage)
Norma Varden
(in "The Glass Key") (archive footage)
Ray Milland
(in "The Lost Weekend") (archive footage)
Edmond O'Brien
(in "White Heat") (archive footage)
Francis X. McCarthy
John Miljan
(in "The Killers") (archive footage)
Britt Nilsson
Puppy Secretary
Jean Beaudine
Duty Secretary

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