Crime Drama Thriller
An American attorney on business in China, ends up wrongfully on trial for murder and his only key to innocence is a female defense lawyer from the country.
Directed by
Jon Avnet
Richard Gere
Jack Moore
Bai Ling
Shen Yuelin
Daxing Zhang
Procurator Ma
James Hong
Lin Shou
Tzi Ma
Li Cheng
Michiko Nishiwaki
Ken Leung
Byron Mann
Lin Dan
Kenny Endoso
Bradley Whitford
Bob Ghery
Roger Yuan
Huan Minglu
Henry O
Procurator General Yang
Jessey Meng
Hong Ling
Robert Lin
Director Liu's Interpreter
Robert Stanton
Ed Pratt
Richard Venture
Ambassador Reed
Buddy Joe Hooker
Ulrich Matschoss
Gerhardt Hoffman
Peter Donat
David McAndrews
Diana Lee Inosanto
Tsai Chin
Chairman Xu
Chi Yu Li
General Hong

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