Documentary Drama Mystery
A camera crew travels through Thailand asking villagers to invent the next chapter of an ever-growing story. A TV-obsessed boxer, a group of schoolkids, a lonely rubber-tree tapper and feuding food vendors all add to a tale that includes witches, tigers, surprise doublings, and impossible reversals.
Directed by
Apichatpong Weerasethakul
Written by
Apichatpong Weerasethakul
Duangjai Hiransri
Dogfahr 1
Somsri Pinyopol
Dogfahr 2
Kannikar Narong
Dogfahr 3
To Hanudomlapr
Jaruwan Techasatiern
Thanit Niyomprasit
Crippled Boy 2
Chakree Duangklao

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