Romance Comedy Drama
Meet Joel Goodson, an industrious, college-bound 17-year-old and a responsible, trustworthy son. However, when his parents go away and leave him home alone in the wealthy Chicago suburbs with the Porsche at his disposal he quickly decides he has been good for too long and it is time to enjoy himself. After an unfortunate incident with the Porsche Joel must raise some cash, in a risky way.
Directed by
Paul Brickman
Tom Cruise
Joel Goodson
Jason Gedrick
Extra at Party (uncredited)
Joe Pantoliano
Rebecca De Mornay
Sean Penn
Cameo (uncredited)
Bronson Pinchot
Megan Mullally
Call Girl
Raphael Sbarge
Anne Lockhart
Babysitter (uncredited)
Richard Masur
Shera Danese
Curtis Armstrong
Miles Dalby
Bruce A. Young
Bruno Alexander
Mechanic (as Bruno Aclin)
Kevin Anderson
Chuck (as Kevin C. Anderson)
Nicholas Pryor
Joel's Father
Ron Dean
Detective with Bullhorn
Janet Carroll
Joel's Mother
Debra Dulman
Call Girl
Nathan Davis
Business Teacher
Mike Genovese
Rent-All Man (as Michael Genovese)
Francine Locke
Shower Girl
Edgar Froese
Robert Kurcz
Service Manager
Jill DeVries
Call Girl (as Jill De Vries)
Fern Persons
Lab Teacher
Candace Collins
Call Girl
Guy Van Swearingen
Party Goer (uncredited)
Wayne Kneeland
Russell Bitterman (as Wayne C. Kneeland)
Jerry Tullos
Derelict on Train
Sarah Partridge
Scott Harlan
Stan Licata
Sheila Keenan
Nurse Bolik
Lucy Harrington
Glenn's Girlfriend
Jerome Landfield
Kessler's Father
Jonathan Chapin
Kid at Gas Station
Jimmy Baron
Kid at Window
Harry Teinowitz
Kid at Party
Ann Cole
Call Girl
Elizabeth Curran
Call Girl
Joyce Hazard
Call Girl
Kerry Hill
Call Girl
Lora Staley
Call Girl
Vivian Victor
Call Girl
Cynthia Baker
Test Teacher
Jade Gold
Evonne Williams
Dana Balkin
Girl in Nurse's Office
Vinny Argiro
Mr. Rents Salesman
Eric Minsk
Wimpy Kid
Steven Charous
Softball Player
George Brown
Swat Team Leader (uncredited)
Charlotte J. Helmkamp
Call Girl (uncredited)
Gerard Kaszubowski
Party Guest (uncredited)
Robert Minkoff
Bit (uncredited)

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