Family Adventure Fantasy Drama
When a mysterious letter appears on the day they are being evicted, Elizabeth and her father can’t believe their luck to discover they've inherited Echoville Manor, a sprawling, thirty-seven room estate. Upon arriving, Elizabeth finds that the mansion is inhabited by the world’s cutest spirit, Ghoster, who has been trapped within a mirrored prison there for fifty years. Together, they must uncover the secrets to Echoville to free Ghoster before the nefarious Yuto captures her soul as well in his quest for immortality.
Directed by
Ryan Bellgardt
David Henrie
Ghoster (voice)
Christy Tate
Abigail Oren
Gerardo Davila
Rachel G. Whittle
Marlon Ladd
Mr. Alessi
Sophie Proctor
Elizabeth Oren
J.R. Brown
James Oren
Josh Escayg
Michael Burgess

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