Action Animation Sci-Fi
In the year 2029, the barriers of our world have been broken down by the net and by cybernetics, but this brings new vulnerability to humans in the form of brain-hacking. When a highly-wanted hacker known as 'The Puppetmaster' begins involving them in politics, Section 9, a group of cybernetically enhanced cops, are called in to investigate and stop the Puppetmaster.
Directed by
Mamoru Oshii
Shigeru Chiba
Garbage Collector B (voice)
Akio Otsuka
Batou (voice)
Atsuko Tanaka
Motoko Kusanagi (voice)
Maaya Sakamoto
Kusanagi Girl (voice)
Koichi Yamadera
Togusa (voice)
Kazuhiro Yamaji
Garbage Collector A (voice)
Yuji Ueda
Communication (voice)
Takashi Matsuyama
Terrorist (voice)
Mitsuru Miyamoto
Mizuho Daita (voice)
Tessyo Genda
Director Nakamura (voice)
Hiroshi Yanaka
Coroner (voice)
Tamio Ohki
Aramaki (voice)
Iemasa Kayumi
Puppetmaster (voice)
Shinji Ogawa
Gaikôkan (voice)
Atsushi Goto
Commander (voice)
Sanryô Odaka
Technician (voice)
Masato Yamanouchi
Minister of Foreign Affairs (voice)
Ginzo Matsuo
Old Man (voice)
Yutaka Nakano
Ishikawa (voice)
Naruki Masahisa
Dr. Willis (voice)
Masamichi Sato
Driver (voice)
Atsuko Hayashida
Operator (voice)
Andy Frain
Ryuji Mitsumoto

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