Comedy Crime Romance
Richard Clark has just left the well-known Wellington Academy to teach at Marion Barry High School. Now, he will try to inspire the D-average students into making good grades and try to woo a fellow teacher.
Directed by
Hart Bochner
Tia Carrere
Victoria Chapell
Louise Fletcher
Schuldirektorin Evelyn Doyle
Mekhi Phifer
Griff McReynolds
Marco Rodríguez
Mr. DeMarco
Jon Lovitz
Richard Clark
Henry Kingi
Guillermo Díaz
Paco Rodriguez
Malinda Williams
Natalie Thompson
Troy Robinson
Colleen Fitzpatrick
Nicholas Worth
Hart Bochner
Brian Hooks
Anferny Jefferson
Eric Allan Kramer
Natasha Gregson Wagner
Julie Rubels
John Neville
Thaddeus Clark
Lu Elrod
Miss Bernie Wells

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