Horror Thriller
The 3 interwoven stories unfold the terrifying Vietnamese urban legends revolving around an ill-fated superstar behind the iconic sugarcane lady poster, a has-been circus magician making a deal with the devil, and a sinister spirit trapped in an eerily desolate...
Directed by
Trần Hữu Tấn
Nguyễn Thị Ngọc Hiệp
Vân Trang
Trần Phong
Lê Bê La
Xuân Phúc
Khả Như
Mạc Can
Huỳnh Thanh Trực
Như Đan
Trịnh Tài
Hy An
Quỳnh Anh
Vân Anh
Nguyễn Minh Thời

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