Crime Comedy Adventure
Summoned from an ashram in Tibet, Ace finds himself on a perilous journey into the jungles of Africa to find Shikaka, the missing sacred animal of the friendly Wachati tribe. He must accomplish this before the wedding of the Wachati's Princess to the prince of the warrior Wachootoos. If Ace fails, the result will be a vicious tribal war.
Directed by
Steve Oedekerk
Written by
Steve Oedekerk
Jim Carrey
Ace Ventura
Ian McNeice
Fulton Greenwall
Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje
Bob Gunton
Burton Quinn
Sophie Okonedo
The Wachati Princess
G.W. Bailey
Lieutenant (uncredited)
Michael Reid MacKay
Skinny Husband
Bruce Spence
Ken Kirzinger
Helicopter Pilot
Simon Callow
Vincent Cadby
Jack Johnson
Andrew Steel
Mick Katie
Leif Tilden
Gorilla Performer
Joe Hanna
Warren Sroka
Boy Tourist
Jason Thorpe
Damon Standifer
Wachati Chief
Dev Kennedy
Dad Tourist
Tommy Davidson
The Tiny Warrior
Arsenio "Sonny" Trinidad
Ashram Monk
Patti Tippo
Mom Tourist
Sam Phillips
Wachootoo Chief
Kristin Norton
Pompous Woman
Danny Daniels
Wachootoo Witch Doctor
Maynard Eziashi
Joe Greene
Joe Greene (uncredited)
Joseph Granda
Pilot (uncredited)
Patrick Michael Strange
Ashram Monk (uncredited)
Kayla Allen
Airplane Stewardess
Sabrinah Christie
Girl Tourist
Luke Benko
Tourist (uncredited)
Spike (uncredited)
Stacie Johnsen
Tourist (uncredited)
John East
Bob Taylor
James Hendrix
Zoe Olivia
Odis McKinney
Suponwich Juck Somsaman

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