Action Drama
A young man builds a hot rod despite the disapproval of his father, a Juvenile Court judge. Circumstantial evidence points to the innocent teenager when his car is involved in a hit-and-run accident and he must reconcile with his father.
Directed by
Lewis D. Collins
Written by
Daniel B. Ullman
Dennis Moore
Motorcycle Patrolman
Bess Flowers
Courtroom spectator
Myron Healey
Policeman Joe Langham
Jimmy Lydon
David Langham Jr.
Tommy Bond
Jack Blodgett
Frank McLure
Town Councilman (uncredited)
Gloria Winters
Janie Evans
Art Baker
Judge David Langham
Gil Stratton
Clarence 'Swifty' Johnson
Marshall Reed
John C. Roberts
Jean Dean
Bret Hamilton
Paul - Policeman Joe's Partner
William J. Vincent
Holdup Man

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